Efficient Domain Adaptation for Endoscopic Visual Odometry


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Visual odometry plays a crucial role in endoscopic imaging, yet the scarcity of realistic images with ground truth poses poses a significant challenge. Therefore, domain adaptation offers a promising approach to bridge the pre-operative planning domain with the intra-operative real domain for learning odometry information. However, existing methodologies suffer from inefficiencies in the training time. In this work, an efficient neural style transfer framework for endoscopic visual odometry is proposed, which compresses the time from pre-operative planning to testing phase to less than five minutes. For efficient traing, this work focuses on training modules with only a limited number of real images and we exploit pre-operative prior information to dramatically reduce training duration. Moreover, during the testing phase, we propose a novel Test Time Adaptation (TTA) method to mitigate the gap in lighting conditions between training and testing datasets. Experimental evaluations conducted on two public endoscope datasets showcase that our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy in visual odometry tasks while boasting the fastest training speeds. These results demonstrate significant promise for intra-operative surgery applications.
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