Feasibility of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) combined with pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) in female urinary incontinence: randomized controlled trial

Antonia Mykaele Cordeiro Brandão, Sávia Francisca Lopes Dias, Maria Gabriela Cardoso Teles Monteiro, Janaina Mayer de Oliveira Nunes,Tiago da Silva Lopes,Abrahão Fontes Baptista,Katia Nunes Sá,Fuad Ahmad Hazime

Brain Imaging and Stimulation(2024)

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INTRODUCTION: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) is widely regarded as the most conservative and effective non-pharmacological treatment option for women suffering from urinary incontinence (UI). Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive, non-pharmacological neuromodulation technique that has demonstrated promising results in a variety of medical conditions. However, there has been little research into the feasibility of tDCS as an adjunct therapy to PFMT in improving symptoms in women with UI. OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility (recruitment and retention) of tDCS as an adjunct therapy to PFMT to relieve symptoms of female UI. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Eleven female patients were randomly assigned to receive 12 non-consecutive sessions of PFMT combined with 20 minutes (2mA) of anodal (Cz) or sham tDCS for 4 weeks. Feasibility (primary outcome) was assessed through recruitment and retention rates. Secondary outcomes included four domains: (1) urinary leakage, (2) severity of incontinence, (3) impact on quality of life, and (4) symptoms and adverse events. RESULTS: Eleven patients were evaluated, and nine women completed the treatment protocol. The recruitment rate was 100%, and retention was 81.8%. Clinical results showed that anodal tDCS is viable as adjunctive therapy to PFMT protocol and may result in minimal clinically important differences (MCID) in UI symptoms. CONCLUSION: The high rate of recruitment and retention indicates that tDCS in combination with PFMT is a feasible adjunct therapy for female UI treatment. This research supports the recommendation for a full RCT, with prioritization of outcomes required for hypothesis testing.
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