Dynamic and relativistic effects on Pt-Pt indirect spin-spin coupling in aqueous solution studied by ab initio molecular dynamics and two- vs four-component density functional NMR calculations


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Treating Pt-195 nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in solution remains a considerable challenge from a quantum chemistry point of view, requiring a high level of theory that simultaneously takes into account the relativistic effects, the dynamic treatment of the solvent-solute system, and the dynamic electron correlation. A combination of Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD) and relativistic calculations based on two-component zeroth order regular approximation spin-orbit Kohn-Sham (2c-ZKS) and four-component Dirac-Kohn-Sham (4c-DKS) Hamiltonians is performed to address the solvent effect (water) on the conformational changes and (1)J(PtPt) coupling. A series of bridged PtIII dinuclear complexes [L-1-Pt-2(NH3)(4)(Am)(2)-L-2](n+) (Am = alpha-pyrrolidonate and pivalamidate; L = H2O, Cl-, and Br-) are studied. The computed Pt-Pt coupling is strongly dependent on the conformational dynamics of the complexes, which, in turn, is correlated with the trans influence among axial ligands and with the angle N-C-O from the bridging ligands. The J-coupling is decomposed in terms of dynamic contributions. The decomposition reveals that the vibrational and explicit solvation contributions reduce (1)J(PtPt) of diaquo complexes (L-1 = L-2 = H2O) in comparison to the static gas-phase magnitude, whereas the implicit solvation and bulk contributions correspond to an increase in (1)J(PtPt) in dihalo (L-1 = L-2 = X-) and aquahalo (L-1 = H2O; L-2 = X-) complexes. Relativistic treatment combined with CPMD shows that the 2c-ZKS Hamiltonian performs as well as 4c-DKS for the (1)J(PtPt) coupling.
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