Polarized Charge Dynamics of a Novel Charge Density Wave in Kagome FeGe


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We report on the charge dynamics of kagome FeGe, an antiferromagnet with a charge density wave (CDW) transition at T_CDW≃ 105 K, using polarized infrared spectroscopy and band structure calculations. We reveal a pronounced optical anisotropy, various excitations associated with flat bands and van Hove singularities (VHSs), and a moderate level of electronic correlations. Notably, there are two types of remarkable spectral weight (SW) redistributions for above and below T_CDW. The former involves a transfer between incoherent and coherent excitations driven by the magnetic splitting-induced elevation of flat bands. The latter manifests itself as a sudden change of SW from low to high energies for both a and c directions, suggesting a first-order transition and the three-dimensional nature of CDW. These anomalies in SW significantly differ from those observed in other kagome metals like CsV_3Sb_5, where the nesting of VHSs results in a pronounced CDW gap feature. Instead, our findings can be accounted for by the jump of VHSs relative to the Fermi energy via a first-order structural transition involving large partial Ge1-dimerization. Our study thus unveils a complex interplay among structure, magnetism, electronic correlations, and charge order in FeGe, offering valuable insights for a comprehensive understanding of CDW order in kagome systems.
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