Transition from linear to circular economy in pavement engineering: A historical review

Zhuhuan Liu,Nicole Kringos

Journal of Cleaner Production(2024)

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Navigating the complex pavement system to the circular economy is a multi-dimensional and time-consuming endeavour. Obstructed by lock-in mechanisms of the prevailing “take-make-dispose” linear mode, the current circular economy studies in pavement infrastructure often focus only on one certain type of practice, featured by fragmentation from a system perspective. This study presents the first systematic literature review on the historical development trend of the circular economy concept in the pavement sector based on the collected 59 studies from 2006 to 2022. This review also identifies the soft (regulatory, social/environmental) and hard (technical, market/economic) drivers of- and barriers to the paradigm shift, aiming to coordinate the existing fragmented findings and facilitate the future systemic implementation of the circular economy. The synthesis of the results indicates that the underdeveloped technical guidance and legal system are inhibiting the paradigm shift to the circular economy. Furthermore, the authors argue that the importance of transparent and standardized data along the whole supply chain should be highlighted. Ultimately, this paper suggests that a welcoming environment set by the road authorities is crucial for innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as for constructing a system where stakeholders can confidently take responsibility and initiative.
Circular economy,Material passports,Recycling,Stakeholder engagement,Sustainable pavement
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