Lightweight anchor-free one-level feature indoor personnel detection method based on transformer

Feng Zhao, Yongheng Li, Hanqiang Liu,Junjie Zhang, Zhenglin Zhu

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(2024)

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Owing to the development of deep learning, indoor personnel detection methods based on deep neural networks have been extensively investigated in recent years. However, more complex and deeper network structures may consume more computational resources, which seriously limits the deployment of large-scale deep neural networks on lightweight devices. In view of this, a lightweight anchor-free one-level feature indoor personnel detection method based on transformer (LAOF-IPDT) is proposed in this paper, which is deployed on two embedded devices and achieves good detection accuracy. In the feature extraction backbone, an enhanced cross-stage partial ghost convolution block with ghost convolution and channel shuffle is designed to extract shallow features. Additionally, to obtain more comprehensive global features in the high-level semantic structure, an embedded vision transformer cross-stage partial block is constructed by embedding a lightweight mobile-friendly vision transformer. For the path-aggregation neck, a lightweight feature pyramid network is proposed, which integrates multi-scale feature maps to obtain richer one-level feature representations. Subsequently, a dilated convolution group block is applied to expand the one-level feature receptive field and detection is accomplished using a one-level feature map. For the detection head, an anchor-free mechanism is applied to reduce the hyper-parameter interference of anchor boxes. Extensive experiments on four datasets indicated that the LAOF-IPDT outperforms other lightweight networks in terms of accuracy, speed, model parameters, and model size. For example, the frames per second of the LAOF-IPDT are 8.39 and 14.67 on CPU devices and Jetson Nano devices, respectively, and the mean average precision is 84.49%.
Indoor personnel detection,You only look once network,Ghost convolution,Mobile-friendly vision transformer
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