CodeUltraFeedback: An LLM-as-a-Judge Dataset for Aligning Large Language Models to Coding Preferences


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Evaluating the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with user-defined coding preferences is a challenging endeavour that requires assessing intricate textual LLMs' outputs. By relying on automated metrics and static analysis tools, existing benchmarks fail to assess nuances in user instructions and LLM outputs, highlighting the need for large-scale datasets and benchmarks for LLM preference alignment. In this paper, we introduce CodeUltraFeedback, a preference dataset of 10,000 complex instructions to tune and align LLMs to coding preferences through AI feedback. We generate responses to the instructions using a pool of 14 diverse LLMs, which we then annotate according to their alignment with five coding preferences using the LLM-as-a-Judge approach with GPT-3.5, producing both numerical and textual feedback. We also present CODAL-Bench, a benchmark for assessing LLM alignment with these coding preferences. Our results show that CodeLlama-7B-Instruct, aligned through reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF) with direct preference optimization (DPO) using CodeUltraFeedback's AI feedback data, outperforms 34B LLMs on CODAL-Bench, validating the utility of CodeUltraFeedback for preference tuning. Furthermore, we show our DPO-aligned CodeLlama model improves functional correctness on HumanEval+ compared to the unaligned base model. Therefore, our contributions bridge the gap in preference tuning of LLMs for code and set the stage for further advancements in model alignment and RLAIF for code intelligence. Our code and data are available at
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