Driving non-trivial quantum phases in conventional semiconductors with intense excitonic fields


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Inducing novel quantum phases and topologies in materials using intense light fields is a key objective of modern condensed matter physics, but nonetheless faces significant experimental challenges. Alternately, theory predicts that in the dense limit, excitons - collective excitations composed of Coulomb-bound electron-hole pairs - could also drive exotic quantum phenomena. However, the direct observation of these phenomena requires the resolution of electronic structure in momentum space in the presence of excitons, which became possible only recently. Here, using time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of an atomically thin semiconductor in the presence of a high-density of resonantly and coherently photoexcited excitons, we observe the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) excitonic state - analogous to the Cooper pairs of superconductivity. We see the valence band transform from a conventional paraboloid into a Mexican-hat like Bogoliubov dispersion - a hallmark of the excitonic insulator phase; and we observe the recently predicted giant exciton-driven Floquet effects. Our work realizes the promise that intense bosonic fields, other than photons, can also drive novel quantum phenomena and phases in materials.
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