Management of Donkeys in Assisted Interventions: A Snapshot


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Simple Summary The donkey, along with the dog and the horse, is one of the species most involved in Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAIs). The stoic nature of this species, combined with the working requirements of Animal-Assisted Interventions, mean that the welfare of donkeys involved in such activities needs to be monitored and protected. This article reports information about the management of donkeys housed in six different facilities with varying degrees of experience in Donkey-Assisted Interventions in Northern Italy and emphasizes the preventive value of proper animal management in safeguarding donkey's welfare.Abstract People working in the field of Animal-Assisted Interventions (AAIs) often state that they perceive animal welfare as a matter of paramount importance; nevertheless, most scientific literature focuses on the effectiveness of interventions from the user's perspective. Before focusing on the animals' management and welfare during their interactions with users, it is important to ensure animal welfare during their "ordinary lives". This article reports information and considerations about the management of donkeys involved in AAIs in Northern Italy. Six facilities with several years of experience in Donkey-Assisted Interventions were visited for the purpose of an initial data collection regarding the management of donkeys involved in AAIs. Some knowledge gaps regarding the nutritional needs of the donkey and its preventive medicine have been identified; this study also highlighted a need for efforts to create a more stimulating and enriched environment for animals involved in AAIs. Some possible areas for improvement in the management of donkeys involved in AAIs have been highlighted. Further studies are necessary to provide a more comprehensive picture of the welfare of donkeys involved in this context.
animal care,donkey welfare,pet therapy,donkey-assisted interventions
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