Mesoscale Convective Systems across Australia

Ewan Short,Todd Lane


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A major aspiration of operational and research meteorology is to relate the average behaviour of convective-scale flows to the more predictable, larger-scale flows in which they occur. This goal is difficult, partly because convective flows often self-organize at mesoscales, with the dynamics of such mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) distinct from those at convective and synoptic scales. In this study we use a tracking algorithm to detect MCSs in Australian operational radar data, revealing regional, seasonal and sub-seasonal, i.e. synoptic, differences in organizational characteristics. Restricting to MCS observations with nominally two-dimensional mean system-relative flows, spatio-temporal organizational differences are generally well explained by theoretical ideas regarding the breakdown of two-dimensional overturning flows. Theoretically, breakdown is characterised by a single non-dimensional convective Richardson number R, which provides the ratio of thermodynamic potential energy to inflow kinetic energy. Specifically, 76% of MCS relative trailing-stratiform, up-shear tilted observations, nominally associated with primarily non-overturning system-relative flows, occur when R>5, whereas 72% of relative leading-stratiform, down-shear tilted observations, nominally indicating primarily overturning system-relative flows, occur when R<5. Spatiotemporal variations in observed organizational characteristics are broadly consistent with spatiotemporal variations in median R. These results likely have implications for convective parametrisation, and operational convective permitting model testing and development.
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