Enhanced near-complete absorption of electromagnetic waves by dual resonance in a magnetized plasma


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There has been significant interest lately in the study of Electromagnetic (EM) waves interacting with magnetized plasmas. The variety of resonances and the existence of several pass and stop bands in the dispersion curve for different orientations of the magnetic field offer new mechanisms of EM wave energy absorption (PhysRevE.105.055209, Juneja_2023,vashistha2022localized,vashistha2020new). By an appropriate choice of inhomogeneous magnetic field, one can construct a configuration wherein the same EM wave pulse encounters more than one resonance in the plasma. A 2-D Particle - In - Cell (PIC) simulation using the OSIRIS4.0 platform has been carried out for the case of dual resonance. It is observed that in the presence of dual resonance, there is a significant enhancement in leading to almost complete absorption of laser energy by the plasma in certain cases. A detailed study of the influence of the relative location of the resonances, the effect of high input EM wave intensity, etc., has also been carried out.
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