CUTE: A scalable CPU-centric and Ultra-utilized Tensor Engine for convolutions

Wenqing Li,Jinpeng Ye,Fuxin Zhang,Tianyi Liu, Tingting Zhang,Jian Wang


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Convolution is a fundamental and computationally expensive primitive and finds ubiquitous in deep neural networks (DNNs). The evolving DNNs have spurred the emergence of numerous accelerators and they successfully achieve high throughput. However, for DNN inference with small batch sizes, the computational resources of the accelerators are often under-utilized, and the overhead of offloading is significant. Compared to accelerators, the CPU can better meet fast response requirements of inference, flexibly handle various models, and is suitable for various scenarios (from edge to data center). Therefore, CPU remains an attractive platform for DNN inference, despite the sub-optimal performance, and resource efficiency. In this paper, we propose CUTE, a scalable CPU-centric and ultra-utilized tensor engine for convolutions. It co-designs data flow and hardware architecture to leverage the data reuse and parallelism of convolutions. CUTE is composed of several small tensor elements (TEs) and two-level buffers. It employs a decoupled accessexecution architecture and greedy strategy to feed data to TEs, enabling it to achieve ultra utilization and great scalability. CUTE is tightly coupled with the CPU to minimize offloading latency, thereby providing efficient convolution computing capabilities for the system. Experimental results show that under the same bandwidth, CUTE achieves an average performance improvement of 3.8x compared with the CPU AVX512 unit and 1.6x compared with the CPU AMX unit. Besides, CUTE achieves a speedup of 7.0x and 3.9x over Nvidia V100 GPU and Eyeriss accelerator respectively, due to higher utilization of computing units.
Tensor engine,Convolution,Scalable architecture,CPU-centric,Utilization
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