Isolation of native bacteria with mexican native maize (Zea mays L.) growth promoting potential


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Mexican native maize (Zea mays L.) is an emblematic food for Mexico, as it represents an important factor in terms of local economy, culture and biodiversity. Biotechnological techniques using plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are a sustainable alternative to the use of chemical agricul- tural inputs for corn production; however, it is important to emphasize that the ideal is to use native PGPB into the soil and/or crop where they are to be applied, since this ensures the PGPB adaptation and guarantees the colonization of the rhizosphere, improving crop yields. Therefore, the objective of the present work was to isolate native bacteria from soils cultivated with Mexican native maize and to demonstrate their biotechnological potential as PGPB in corn. Soil samples were taken from the municipality of Jiquilpan, Michoacan, Mexico and 40 isolates were obtained, of which 18 showed more than 90% germination of maize seeds. In addition, four isolates showed increases of 20 to 30 % in total shoot length and increases of 25 to 100 % in total plant dry weight. The mechanisms associated with maize growth promotion were phosphate solubilization, indole acetic acid and siderophore production, as well as antagonism against phytopathogenic fungi (Penicillium, Rhizopus, Fusarium and Colletotrichum). Therefore, we conclude that the native PGPB isolated in the present study have biotechnological potential for use in Mexican native maize in the region
Maize production,Native rizobacteria,Microbialbiotechnology
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