Spatially dispersing in-gap states induced by Andreev tunneling through single electronic state

Ruixia Zhong,Zhongzheng Yang, Qi Wang, Fanbang Zheng, Wenhui Li,Juefei Wu,Chenhaoping Wen,Xi Chen,Yanpeng Qi,Shichao Yan


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By using low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM/STS), we observe superconducting in-gap states induced by Andreev tunneling through single impurity state in a low-carrier-density superconductor (NaAlSi). The energy-symmetric in-gap states appear when the impurity state is located within the superconducting gap. Superconducting in-gap states can cross the Fermi level, and show X-shaped spatial dispersion. We interpret the in-gap states as a consequence of the Andreev tunneling through the impurity state, which involves the formation or breakup of a Cooper pair. Due to the low carrier density in NaAlSi, the in-gap state is tunable by controlling the STM tip-sample distance. Under strong external magnetic fields, the impurity state shows Zeeman splitting when it is located near the Fermi level. Our findings not only demonstrate the Andreev tunneling involving single electronic state, but also provide new insights for understanding the spatially dispersing in-gap states in low-carrier-density superconductors.
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