To be honest or positive? The effect of Airbnb host description on consumer behavior

Xinyu Sun, Li Gui, Bin Cai

Decision Support Systems(2024)

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On accommodation-sharing platform, host self-description influence consumer behavior as an important information. Based on the Perceived Value Theory and the Expectation Confirmation Theory, we developed an analytical framework to investigate the relationship between host description strategies and consumer behavior of room booking and satisfaction. We measured host description strategies (honest description and positive description) using machine learning and rule-based text analysis methods. Then we verified the different effects of two host description strategies on each of consumer behaviors based on a panel dataset from Airbnb. Positive description and honest description have a positive impact on room booking and consumer satisfaction respectively. Room price moderates the relationship between host descriptions and consumer behaviors. A highly positive description strategy can promote bookings for high-priced listings but decrease satisfaction. The honest description strategy has a positive effect on the bookings of low-priced listings. This study contributes to tourism literature and property hosts in practice.
Host description,Booking,Satisfaction,Honest description,Positive description,Airbnb
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