Differential change in alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of loneliness, socialization, and mental well-being


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Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic led to a surge in mental health issues and psychological distress, disruption to work/studying conditions, and social isolation particularly among young adults. Changes in these factors are differentially associated with alcohol use. Moreover, the relationship between these factors are bidirectional and may have fluctuated throughout the different phases of the pandemic. However, studies focusing on young adults had conflicting results, short follow-up periods, and lacked comprehensive data to describe underlying mechanisms.Methods 1067 young adults participated in repetitive measures termed wave 4 (2021) of the Survey of Adolescent Life in Vastmanland Cohort "SALVe" Cohort. Of these, 889 also completed pre-pandemic measurements termed wave 3 (2018). Participants completed the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) to evaluate alcohol consumption and harmful use. Cross-sectional associations between perceived changes in alcohol use and shift in individual, mental health, and work environment factors were examined using Chi-square tests. Logistic regression was utilized to identify pre-pandemic predictors of harmful consumption during the pandemic.Results Harmful consumption decreased only in females following the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants who reported increased feelings of depression, anxiety, and loneliness were more likely to increase their alcohol use. Interestingly, the subgroup who felt less lonely and met their friends more often, as well as those who continued working/studying from their regular workplace also had an increased likelihood of higher consumption. Only pre-pandemic ADHD and delinquency symptoms predicted harmful alcohol consumption following the pandemic.Conclusion Females reduced harmful alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic. While those who suffered the burden of social isolation and distress were more likely to increase their alcohol use, young adults who felt less lonely and met their friends more often also had a similar outcome. The relationship between loneliness and alcohol consumption among young adults is influenced by the social factors that may be facilitated by drinking.
alcohol consumption,COVID-19,social isolation,loneliness,mental health
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