DOZE: A Dataset for Open-Vocabulary Zero-Shot Object Navigation in Dynamic Environments

Ji Ma, Hongming Dai,Yao Mu, Pengying Wu, Hao Wang,Xiaowei Chi, Yang Fei,Shanghang Zhang,Chang Liu


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Zero-Shot Object Navigation (ZSON) requires agents to autonomously locate and approach unseen objects in unfamiliar environments and has emerged as a particularly challenging task within the domain of Embodied AI. Existing datasets for developing ZSON algorithms lack consideration of dynamic obstacles, object attribute diversity, and scene texts, thus exhibiting noticeable discrepancy from real-world situations. To address these issues, we propose a Dataset for Open-Vocabulary Zero-Shot Object Navigation in Dynamic Environments (DOZE) that comprises ten high-fidelity 3D scenes with over 18k tasks, aiming to mimic complex, dynamic real-world scenarios. Specifically, DOZE scenes feature multiple moving humanoid obstacles, a wide array of open-vocabulary objects, diverse distinct-attribute objects, and valuable textual hints. Besides, different from existing datasets that only provide collision checking between the agent and static obstacles, we enhance DOZE by integrating capabilities for detecting collisions between the agent and moving obstacles. This novel functionality enables evaluation of the agents' collision avoidance abilities in dynamic environments. We test four representative ZSON methods on DOZE, revealing substantial room for improvement in existing approaches concerning navigation efficiency, safety, and object recognition accuracy. Our dataset could be found at
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