Functional conservation of GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 in plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling in tomato.

Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology(2024)

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Retrograde signaling between plastids and the nucleus is vital for chloroplast biogenesis and environmental responses. GENOMES UNCOUPLED1 (GUN1) was proposed to be a central integrator of multiple retrograde signaling pathways in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). However, the function of GUN1 orthologs in other plant species has not been well studied. Here, we found that many GUN1 orthologs from the Solanaceae family have a short N-terminus before the first pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) motif which is predicted as intrinsically disordered regions (IDRs). Functional analyses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) GUN1 (SlGUN1), which does not contain N-terminal IDRs, show that it can complement the GUN phenotype of the Arabidopsis gun1 mutant (Atgun1). However, in contrast to the AtGUN1 protein, which does contain the N-terminal IDRs, the SlGUN1 protein is highly accumulated even after chloroplast biogenesis is completed, suggesting that the N-terminal IDRs may determine the stability of the GUN1 protein. Furthermore, we generated tomato Slgun1 genome-edited mutants via the CRISPR-Cas9 system. The Slgun1 mutants exhibited a typical GUN phenotype under lincomycin (Lin) or norflurazon (NF) treatment. Moreover, Slgun1 mutants are hypersensitive to low concentrations of Lin or NF. Taken together, our results suggest that, although lacking the N-terminal IDRs, SlGUN1 plays conserved roles in plastid retrograde signaling in tomato plants.
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