An Entity Ontology-Based Knowledge Graph Embedding Approach to News Credibility Assessment

IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems(2024)

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Fake news is a prevalent issue in modern society, leading to misinformation, and societal harm. News credibility assessment is a crucial approach for evaluating the accuracy and authenticity of news. It plays a significant role in enhancing public awareness and understanding of news, while also effectively mitigating the dissemination of fake news. However, news credibility assessment meets challenges when processing large-scale and constantly growing data, due to insufficient and unreliable labels and standards, and diversity and semantic ambiguity of news contents. Recently, machine learning models have been well developed to address these issues, but suffer from limited effectiveness. A unified framework is also required for them to represent various entities and relationships involved in news stories. This article proposes an entity ontology-based knowledge graph network (EKNet) to leverage knowledge graphs and entity frameworks for news credibility assessment. The model utilizes the information from knowledge graphs by combining entities and relationships from news and knowledge graphs. Experimental results show that the EKNet has advantages in evaluating news credibility over existing methods. Specifically, compared to several strong baselines, the model demonstrates a significant performance improvement in scores across various tasks. Which indicates that using the EKNet to address the challenges in news credibility assessment is highly effective and can conduct better performance for the problem of fake news in the social media environment.
Fake news detection,knowledge enhancement,knowledge graph,news credibility assessment
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