Fuzzy-Driven Unequal Clustering Technique for Prolonging Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN s)

Ranjit Kumar, Suvash Chandra Yadav, Ritarani Sahu,Suchismita Chinara

2023 3rd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC)(2023)

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Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) heavily rely on finite battery power of sensor nodes, making energy efficiency a crucial parameter for prolonging network lifetime. To address this challenge, a novel technique has been proposed named as Fuzzy-Driven Unequal Clustering for prolonging network lifetime (FUPNL), which combines clustering and fuzzy logic during data transmission to reduce energy consumption. In FUPNL, Cluster Heads (CHs) are selected based on random values, and their transmission range is calculated using fuzzy logic. The fuzzy logic approach considers two important inputs: the distance from the base station (dis(BS)) and the residual energy imbalance (REI) of the candidate node. The appropriate transmission range is then determined as the output, optimizing energy utilization while maintaining connectivity. Once the CH is designated, data transmission is initiated using multi-hop routing, similar to EAUCF. Experimental results show that FUPNL outperforms existing approaches like CH election and Cluster Construction using Fuzzy logic (CHCCF) and Fuzzy Energy-Aware Unequal Clustering algorithm (EAUCF) while considering network performance and energy efficiency. The network performance is measured in terms of First Node Dead (FND) and Half Node Dead (HND). In this proposed work, first node dies at round number 658 and half of the nodes die at round number 1232 that results better than EAUCF and CHCCF.
WSNs,dis(BS),Residual Energy Imbalance (REI),Multi-hop routing,Unequal Clustering
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