Nuclear-moment measurement using highly spin-aligned RI beams: Recent activities at RIBF

Y. Ichikawa, Y. Shinohara, S. Go, H. Nishibata, S. Ando, K. Asahi, H. Baba, N. Fukuda, G. Georgiev, A. Gradkov, K. Imamura, K. Kishimoto, R. Lozeva, M. Mukai, M. Niikura, Nurhafiza M. Nor, A. Odahara, Y. Shimizu, M. Si, K. Stoychev, H. Suzuki, M. Tajima, A. Takamine,H. Takeda, S. Takeshige,M. Tanaka,Y. Togano, H. Ueno, T. Wakasa, W. Yamashita, H. Yamazaki, M. Yoshimoto,J. M. Daugas


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The magnetic dipole moment and the electric quadrupole moment are the nuclear moments that provide us with key information about the proton and neutron configurations in a nucleus and the shape of a nucleus, respectively. In the study of nuclear structure through the measurement of the nuclear moments, a technique to produce spin orientation of rare-isotope beams has played important roles. Recently, a scheme of the two-step projectile fragmentation was developed to produce high spin alignment in RI beams and was applied to the frontier of the study for nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei, such as ^75 Cu and ^99 Zr. The recent activities of the nuclear-moment measurements using highly spin-aligned beams at RIKEN RIBF are reported.
Spin,Nuclear moment,RI beam
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