Implementing Catboost Algorithm for Allergen Cross Contamination Detection in Food Industry

Sudharson D, D. Satheesh Kumar, Aman Kumar Dubey,B. Arun Kumar, Vaishali V, Balavedhaa S

2023 International Conference on Emerging Research in Computational Science (ICERCS)(2023)

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In the food industry, allergen cross-contamination is a serious problem that necessitates innovative approaches to detection and prevention. In order to tackle this problem, this paper investigates the possibilities of machine learning (ML) techniques, focusing on CatBoost, XGBoost, and LightGBM in particular. Through an analysis of datasets from food processing establishments, the research develops prediction models that leverage on the distinct advantages of these machine learning methods. The models' comparative evaluations demonstrate how well they identify allergen cross-contamination risks, improving food safety protocols. This paper demonstrates the significant role of CatBoost, XGBoost, and LightGBM in strategically controlling allergen cross-contamination and offers insightful information about the applicability of ML. In the final analysis, these results provide a framework for the advancement of risk-mitigating intelligent systems that ensure consumer safety and support the industry’s broader food safety regulations.
Allergen Cross-Contamination,Machine Learning (ML),CatBoost,XGBoost,LightGBM,Food Industry,Food Safety
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