Design and Performance Comparison of Latency Efficient Scheduling Algorithms for Smart Environment

S. S. Boomiga,V. Prasanna Venkatesan

2023 4th International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 6.0 (C216)(2023)

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Smart Environment aims to improve humans' quality of life. IoT is an emerging paradigm that makes the environment smart by using sensing technologies in IoT devices and cloud computing technology. Various surveys portray that IoT devices are growing rapidly which results in more data which leads to more delay in response time for the services provided in the smart environment since the Cloud server imposes more transmission latency. This transmission latency is reduced by the emergence of Edge computing in which the services can be provided by using Edge as a computing device. However, the Edge is a resource-constrained device, so the proposed work aims to identify the process that can be processed at the Edge based on context and priority based scheduling. Therefore, an algorithm is designed to execute the process that needs immediate attention by applying context and priority-based scheduling. In a comparative analysis of algorithms, the experimental results showcase that the proposed algorithms notably reduce latency in IoT processes.
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