Development MOLAZ Method in Multi Blocks: D3MB

Udai Wasmi Abboud,Moceheb Lazam Shuwandy

2023 IEEE 11th Conference on Systems, Process & Control (ICSPC)(2023)

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Data security and confidentiality are of utmost importance since sensitive information is continually being sent through networks and kept on devices. Against illegal access and data breaches, encryption is a crucial line of protection. AES guarantees strong security, but the process's computing requirements might make encryption and decryption difficult, particularly when working with large datasets. The strategic implementation of AES in parallel comes as a response to this problem. In order to execute many processes concurrently and increase speed and efficiency, parallelizing AES operations allows for a considerable reduction in the time required for encryption and decryption. This work proposes a unique method known as D3MB that makes use of the AES algorithm's parallel execution capabilities. One of the most significant benefits of the D3MB system is time reduction since execution now occurs over four lines rather than one, splitting the time into four halves. Another benefit is the difficulty of using two keys (128 and 256 bits) for encryption. In contrast, each of the four message portions has a different key, with Q 0 having K s0 , Q 1 having K s1 , Q 2 having K s2 , and Q 3 having K s3 . Performance analysis methods (such as CPU speed, memory GC, and memory heap) were used to confirm this. It was shown via a brute-force attack that the system is unresponsive if the wrong key is input and the ciphertext file is empty. So, it shows that a brute-force approach cannot be used to decrypt the ciphertext since decrypting the plaintext has a chance that is twice as high as decrypting a single key. Because each component has a private key, we utilized two encryption keys. It takes a long time to verify every one of the millions of possibilities.
Cybersecurity,AES,MOLAZ_D3MB system,System Determine Algorithm Plus (SDA+)
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