Pulsation mechanism of a Taylor cone under a single pulse voltage


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Electrospray has the advantages of high efficiency and accurate thrust, which can meet the requirements of microsatellites on micropropulsion systems, and it is a new type of microthrust system with great potential. Due to the stable characteristics of the cone jet, most of the existing research focuses on the steady electric field, while the response of the Taylor cone shape to the pulse voltage has vital application significance in the attitude control of the microthruster and the active control of the electrospray switch. Therefore, this paper focuses on the research on the response mechanism of the Taylor cone shape to a single pulse voltage. Based on experimental research, a high-speed camera is used to capture the time-series images of the Taylor cone, and a trigger connection is used to synchronously collect the atomization current under a single pulse disturbance voltage to assist in exploring the oscillation mechanism. The research shows that the pulsation of a Taylor cone under the action of a single pulse voltage has a strong coupling relationship with the conductivity and permittivity of the dielectric in the fluid, that is, the oscillation time has a strong consistency with the polarization charge relaxation time of the dielectric in the fluid.
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