Development of N doped C/MnAl2O4 spinel as environmental friendly energy storage devices


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The tremendous use of fossil fuels has a detrimental impact on the environment and living organisms. Scientists stive to replace nonrenewable fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy that are environmentally friendly. However, the usage of renewable energy sources is limited due to their dependency on the climate and geographical position. Researchers focused on electrochemical saving equipment have developed supercapacitor devices with outstanding and unique physiochemical features. Herein, we utilized a straightforward two-step method for producing N-doped C MnAl2O4 spinel from hydrothermally synthesized Mn-Al layered double hydroxide (LDH), and pyrolysis of LDH created a thin spinel material and carbon composite. Various physical characteristics were used to determine the material properties, and various physical analyses were employed to ensure the fabrication of doped materials. MnAl2O4/C has the potential to generate a high specific capacitance of 1231.42 F g-1, energy density (Ed) of 37.94 Wh kg-1 as well as a rate capability of 96.01 % at 1 A g-1. The chronoamperometry analysis showed a straight line indicating the stability of the fabricated nanocomposite electrode over 50 h. Our findings suggest that nitrogen-doped carbon/MnAl2O4 exhibited a larger specific capacitance and stability than many other spinel materials and may potentially be employed in other energy storage applications.
Hydrothermal method,Electrocatalyst,Supercapacitor application
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