Federated Analytics-Empowered Frequent Pattern Mining for Decentralized Web 3.0 Applications


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The emerging Web 3.0 paradigm aims to decentralize existing web services, enabling desirable properties such as transparency, incentives, and privacy preservation. However, current Web 3.0 applications supported by blockchain infrastructure still cannot support complex data analytics tasks in a scalable and privacy-preserving way. This paper introduces the emerging federated analytics (FA) paradigm into the realm of Web 3.0 services, enabling data to stay local while still contributing to complex web analytics tasks in a privacy-preserving way. We propose FedWeb, a tailored FA design for important frequent pattern mining tasks in Web 3.0. FedWeb remarkably reduces the number of required participating data owners to support privacy-preserving Web 3.0 data analytics based on a novel distributed differential privacy technique. The correctness of mining results is guaranteed by a theoretically rigid candidate filtering scheme based on Hoeffding's inequality and Chebychev's inequality. Two response budget saving solutions are proposed to further reduce participating data owners. Experiments on three representative Web 3.0 scenarios show that FedWeb can improve data utility by  25.3 participating data owners by  98.4
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