Confidence-aware Fine-tuning of Sequential Recommendation Systems via Conformal Prediction


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In Sequential Recommendation Systems, Cross-Entropy (CE) loss is commonly used but fails to harness item confidence scores during training. Recognizing the critical role of confidence in aligning training objectives with evaluation metrics, we propose CPFT, a versatile framework that enhances recommendation confidence by integrating Conformal Prediction (CP)-based losses with CE loss during fine-tuning. CPFT dynamically generates a set of items with a high probability of containing the ground truth, enriching the training process by incorporating validation data without compromising its role in model selection. This innovative approach, coupled with CP-based losses, sharpens the focus on refining recommendation sets, thereby elevating the confidence in potential item predictions. By fine-tuning item confidence through CP-based losses, CPFT significantly enhances model performance, leading to more precise and trustworthy recommendations that increase user trust and satisfaction. Our extensive evaluation across five diverse datasets and four distinct sequential models confirms CPFT's substantial impact on improving recommendation quality through strategic confidence optimization. Access to the framework's code will be provided following the acceptance of the paper.
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