An Optimization-based Coordination of Multi-lane Platoons of Connected and Automated Trucks for Reducing Travel Time.

2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)(2023)

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This research proposes a new strategy for a multi-lane truck platoon with tasks over long distances to merge into one lane for better traffic management and travel time optimization. The increasing demand for goods transportation and the growing concern over environmental issues have driven the need for more efficient and sustainable truck operations. We propose a new approach for automatically merging multi-lane truck platoons on public roads. When there is slow traffic ahead in some lanes, the platoon will merge into the fastest lane, reducing the travel time while ensuring safety and energy consumption by choosing an optimal gear. By the proposed approach, we can achieve more time-efficient truck operation and contribute to a more sustainable and intelligent transportation system. Based on our simulation results for two different situations, the platoon's travel time was reduced by up to 13% for the same path using our devised method. This study can serve as a foundation for further research into developing new technologies and solutions for enhancing the potential of truck platoon merging in multi-lane environments.
Travel Time,Reduce Travel Time,Energy Consumption,Major Roads,Intelligent Transportation,Traffic Management,Intelligent Transportation Systems,Foundation For Further Research,Transport Demand,Control Strategy,Greenhouse Gas,Model Predictive Control,Road Safety,Formation Control,Vehicle Position,Traffic Safety,Traction Force,Lane Change,Proper Set,Traffic Information,Gear Ratio,Coordination Strategy,Longitudinal Position,Original Configuration,Lane Change Maneuver,Adaptive Cruise Control,Engine Speed
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