Heavy element abundances in Galactic Globular Clusters

J. Schiappacasse-Ulloa, S. Lucatello, G. Cescutti, E. Carretta


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Context. Globular clusters are considered key objects for understanding the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. In this sense, their characterisation in terms of their chemical and orbital parameters can provide constraints to the chemical evolution models of the Galaxy. Aims. We use the heavy element abundances of globular clusters to trace their overall behaviour in the Galaxy, aiming to analyse potential relations between the hot H-burning and s-process elements. Methods. We measured the content of Cu I and s- and r-process elements (Y II, Ba II, La II, and Eu II) in a sample of 210 giant stars in 18 Galactic Globular Clusters from high-quality UVES spectra. The clusters span a large metallicity range, and the sample is the largest uniformly analysed for what concerns heavy elements in Globular Clusters. Results. Cu abundances did not show considerable spread in the sample nor correlation with Na, meaning that the Na nucleosynthesis process does not affect the Cu abundance. Most GCs closely follow the Cu, Y, Ba, La, and Eu field stars' distribution, revealing a similar chemical evolution. The Y abundances in mid-metallicity regime GCs (-1.10 dex <[Fe/H]<-1.80 dex) display a mildly significant correlation with the Na abundance, which should be further investigated. Finally, we did not find any significant difference between the n-capture abundances among GCs with Galactic and extragalactic origin.
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