Design and Implementation of a Smart Grid System for Renewable Energy Integration

A. Santhi Mary Anton,Bikash Chandra Saha, B. Raja Pagalavan, B.V. Sai Thrinath, Y. Alexander Jeevanantham,C.S. Sundar Ganesh

2023 7th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)(2023)

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The research looks at the relevance of these equations and how they affect the safety and longevity of the energy infrastructure. The potential environmental benefits of efficiently incorporating renewable energy sources into the grid are outlined in this work, along with the need of careful management and cooperation to achieve this aim. Furthermore, the study shows that there may be environmental gains from properly incorporating renewable energy sources into the system. The development of innovative smart grid technologies, alternative energy sources, and intricate modeling and control algorithms for renewable energy integration are all discussed as potential future research directions. The findings of this research may pave the way for a more efficient, reliable, and environmentally friendly energy infrastructure to be built in the future.
Smart grid,Power flow,Renewable energy integration,Voltage control,Renewable energy sources
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