On Practical Diversified Recommendation with Controllable Category Diversity Framework


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Recommender systems have made significant strides in various industries, primarily driven by extensive efforts to enhance recommendation accuracy. However, this pursuit of accuracy has inadvertently given rise to echo chamber/filter bubble effects. Especially in industry, it could impair user's experiences and prevent user from accessing a wider range of items. One of the solutions is to take diversity into account. However, most of existing works focus on user's explicit preferences, while rarely exploring user's non-interaction preferences. These neglected non-interaction preferences are especially important for broadening user's interests in alleviating echo chamber/filter bubble effects.Therefore, in this paper, we first define diversity as two distinct definitions, i.e., user-explicit diversity (U-diversity) and user-item non-interaction diversity (N-diversity) based on user historical behaviors. Then, we propose a succinct and effective method, named as Controllable Category Diversity Framework (CCDF) to achieve both high U-diversity and N-diversity simultaneously.Specifically, CCDF consists of two stages, User-Category Matching and Constrained Item Matching. The User-Category Matching utilizes the DeepU2C model and a combined loss to capture user's preferences in categories, and then selects the top-K categories with a controllable parameter K.These top-K categories will be used as trigger information in Constrained Item Matching. Offline experimental results show that our proposed DeepU2C outperforms state-of-the-art diversity-oriented methods, especially on N-diversity task. The whole framework is validated in a real-world production environment by conducting online A/B testing.
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