A hybrid GWO-PSO algorithm for global MPP tracking in PV systems under PSCs

Elhachemi Mammeri,Ammar Necaibia, Aimad Ahriche,Ahmed Bouraiou,Islam Hassani

2023 Second International Conference on Energy Transition and Security (ICETS)(2023)

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Solar energy is rapidly gaining ground because of its sustainability, pollution-free nature, and cost-effectiveness. However, the efficiency of photovoltaic modules is affected by factors such as instant irradiation, temperature, and site-specific load properties. As a solution, MPPT strategies are employed to optimize module power extraction and reduce power losses. This study introduces an MPPT controller utilizing a hybrid GWO and PSO, specifically designed for PV systems operating under partial shading conditions PSCs.To assess the proposed algorithm, comparisons are made with both PSO and GWO algorithms to evaluate the performance of the hybrid method and perceive how the combination enhances tracking speed and efficiency compared to individual algorithms. Results indicate that the hybrid algorithm exhibits a minimum of 20% faster response time and superior tracking efficiency compared to PSO and GWO algorithms.
PV energy,Global MPPT,Partial shading,Metaheuristic Algorithms,GWO,PSO
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