A Comparative Analysis of Hybrid Assembly Line Key Performance Indicators Between a Real-world Industrial Setting and a Fast Discrete Event Simulator.

2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)(2023)

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This paper presents a comparative analysis between our Discrete Event Simulator (DES) and a real industrial case in the automotive industry. The study's objective is to evaluate our simulator's accuracy and reliability in fast predicting assembly line performance in a real-world manufacturing setting. The study includes data from a plant in the automotive industry and compares the estimated results from our simulator with the actual data collected from the plant. The study findings suggest that our simulator is highly accurate and indicate a strong correlation with the actual data. The mean absolute error and root mean square error of the simulated/real cycle times of resources are also found to be low, implying that the simulator's estimates are highly reliable. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of our simulator in predicting the performance of manufacturing systems in the automotive industry and provide fast and valuable insights that can be used to optimize production processes and improve productivity.
Discrete Event Simulation,Industry 4.0,Lean Manufacturing,Real-world Performance,Cycle Time Variability
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