Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI based radiomics combined with clinical variables in stratifying hepatic functional reserve in HBV infected patients

Jinghui Hu, Xiaoxiao Wang,Martin Prince, Fang Wang, Jun Sun, Xin Yang, Wenjian Wang,Jing Ye,Lei Chen,Xianfu Luo


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Purposes To evaluate radiomics from Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MR combined with clinical variables for stratifying hepatic functional reserve in hepatitis B virus (HBV) patients. Methods Our study included 279 chronic HBV patients divided 8:2 for training and test cohorts. Radiomics features were extracted from the hepatobiliary phase (HBP) MR images. Radiomics features were selected to construct a Rad-score which was combined with clinical parameters in two models differentiating hepatitis vs. Child-Pugh A and Child-Pugh A vs. B/C. Performances of these stratifying models were compared using area under curve (AUC). Results Rad-score alone discriminated hepatitis vs. Child-Pugh A with AUC = 0.890, 0.914 and Child-Pugh A vs. B/C with AUC = 0.862, 0.865 for the training and test cohorts, respectively. Model 1 [Rad-score + clinical parameters for hepatitis vs. Child-Pugh A] showed AUC = 0.978 for the test cohort, which was higher than ALBI [albumin-bilirubin] and MELD [model for end-stage liver disease], with AUCs of 0.716, 0.799, respectively (p < 0.001, < 0.001). Model 2 [Rad-score + clinical parameters for Child-Pugh A vs. B/C] showed AUC of 0.890 in the test cohort, which was similar to ALBI (AUC = 0.908, p = 0.760), and higher than MELD (AUC = 0.709, p = 0.018). Conclusion Rad-score combined with clinical variables stratifies hepatic functional reserve in HBV patients.
Hepatitis B virus,Hepatic functional reserve,Radiomics,Nomogram,Gd-EOB-DTPA
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