A Gated MLP Architecture for Learning Topological Dependencies in Spatio-Temporal Graphs

Yun Young Choi, Minho Lee, Sun Woo Park, Seunghwan Lee, Joohwan Ko


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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Transformer have been increasingly adopted to learn the complex vector representations of spatio-temporal graphs, capturing intricate spatio-temporal dependencies crucial for applications such as traffic datasets. Although many existing methods utilize multi-head attention mechanisms and message-passing neural networks (MPNNs) to capture both spatial and temporal relations, these approaches encode temporal and spatial relations independently, and reflect the graph's topological characteristics in a limited manner. In this work, we introduce the Cycle to Mixer (Cy2Mixer), a novel spatio-temporal GNN based on topological non-trivial invariants of spatio-temporal graphs with gated multi-layer perceptrons (gMLP). The Cy2Mixer is composed of three blocks based on MLPs: A message-passing block for encapsulating spatial information, a cycle message-passing block for enriching topological information through cyclic subgraphs, and a temporal block for capturing temporal properties. We bolster the effectiveness of Cy2Mixer with mathematical evidence emphasizing that our cycle message-passing block is capable of offering differentiated information to the deep learning model compared to the message-passing block. Furthermore, empirical evaluations substantiate the efficacy of the Cy2Mixer, demonstrating state-of-the-art performances across various traffic benchmark datasets.
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