DataChest: a Constructive Data Physicalization Toolkit.

International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction(2024)

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Increasingly individuals use devices, diaries, or applications to track aspects of their lives. Visualizing diverse sets of data and exploring their relationships poses challenges when data is fragmented across different devices or sources. Constructive Physicalization offers an alternative approach by creating visualizations using tangible tokens, allowing for greater expressive freedom and a new visual mapping process. To address this, we developed DataChest. DataChest functions as a constructive data physicalization toolkit for self-tracking, enabling users to visualize and make sense of their data. Comprising of 1057 3D-printed components, including trays, tokens, and a guidebook. DataChest can be used to explore how individuals engage with their self-tracking data and gain insights into the effectiveness of different visualization approaches. Additionally, we introduce users to the toolkit by showcasing various data types and visualization expertise levels, reflecting different levels of toolkit complexity. Our insights are relevant for the development of constructive data physicalization toolkits.
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