Human-in-the-Loop Evolution of Database Views for Data Exploration.

Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence(2023)

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Under the increasingly complex and interconnected world we live in, data has become extremely valuable. Nevertheless, exploring even a simple database is not a trivial task, as it requires technical knowledge which many new and non-technical data users do not have. This task includes writing database queries to retrieve data, uncover insights, and exploit patterns. Furthermore, in large volumes of data, finding valuable data that matches a certain user’s purpose requirement is challenging, especially under restrictive time constraints. Typically, this task is manual, ad-hoc, and time-consuming. To address these challenges, researches have proposed tools to support data exploration tasks, especially by means of View Recommendation. However, current recommendation approaches require enumerating all candidate views that can be defined over an input database. In this work, we introduce a novel view recommendation method that leverages a human-in-the-loop approach to create, evaluate, and tailor views to match user intent. Our experimental evaluation on real-world data demonstrates that our approach suitably recommends views that capture multiple perspectives on the data at hand.
interactive evolutionary computing,genetic algorithm,data visualization,data exploration
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