Unlocking tracheoesophageal speech from pharyngoesophageal spasm: preliminary results of a videofluoroscopic-guided botulinum toxin A injection technique

European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology(2024)

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Purpose The tracheoesophageal puncture for the voice prosthesis (VP) placement is the recognized gold standard in post-laryngectomy voice rehabilitation. Despite the development of specific intraoperative techniques, a subset of patients will suffer from poor functional outcomes due to pharyngoesophageal spasms (PES). This paper evaluates the functional outcomes after transcutaneous botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) infiltration for PES with a videofluoroscopy-guided technique. Methods Since 2022, eight consecutive patients with VP and affected by PES were treated with BTX-A injection by a standard videofluoroscopic guided technique at the European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS (IEO) in Milan. A lidocaine test was performed pre-operatively to evaluate the potential effect of chemical neurectomy. All patients with positive lidocaine tests were injected with 50 IU of BTX-A (Allergan, Irvine, CA) according to the sites marked during the videofluoroscopy. Reported symptoms (VHI, SECEL), perceptual (INFVo), aerodynamic (MPT) and manometric parameters were collected before and after treatment. Results In all cases, BTX-A was performed as an outpatient procedure without complications. For seven patients, only one BTX-A injection was needed, while one patient required a re-injection. Subjective and perceptive improvement after BTX-A was significant for VHI, SECEL and INFVo. MPT showed significant improvement after a chemical neurectomy. After a mean follow-up of 6 months, all patients maintained a good TES quality. Conclusion The videofluoroscopic guided BTX-A injection of the pharyngoesophageal tract showed to be a feasible and reproducible technique in all cases. The pharyngoesophageal videofluoroscopy allows defining of patients’ anatomical landmarks that help the surgeon to perform a homogeneous injection, empowered by post-injection massage.
Voice prosthesis,Laryngectomy,Voice rehabilitation,Botulinum,Pharyngoesophageal spasm,Videofluoroscopy
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