Review of Electrolyser Modeling in Wind Power and Photovoltaic Electrolysis for Hydrogen Production

Dong Ding,Honglin Wu,Shiqi Zhang,Xijuan Yu, Haiyun Wang, Liping Yang

2023 IEEE 2nd International Power Electronics and Application Symposium (PEAS)(2023)

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High energy density, convenience in storage and transportation, and Auxiliary wind energy-photovoltaic and other renewable energy generation consumption are all features of hydrogen energy. Electrolyzers are a crucial component of the use of renewable energy. However, there is currently limited reference providing a targeted review of electrolyzer models in wind-photovoltaic hydrogen production systems. Moreover, there are many types of electrolytic cell models. Some models are too complex to be used, and some are one-sided and inaccurate. Therefore, there is still a lack of discussion on how to select an appropriate electrolyzer model for relevant research in photovoltaic-wind power hydrogen production system-level research. This article reviews existing model research on hydrogen production from wind or photovoltaic electrolysis. The electrolyzer model used in system-level research in this field mainly needs to consider factors such as electrolyzer type, hydrogen production, and electrical characteristics. This article focuses on summarizing the electrolyzer models that meet the above needs and provides help for relevant researchers to select appropriate wind or photovoltaic electrolysis hydrogen production models.
the power to hydrogen,electrolyzer,modeling,renewable energy
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