Retinoic acid generates a beneficial microenvironment for liver progenitor cell activation in acute liver failure


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Objective: When massive necrosis occurs in acute liver failure (ALF), rapid expansion of hepatic stem cells called liver progenitor cells (LPC) in a process called ductular reaction (DR) is required for survival. The exact underlying mechanisms of this process are not known to date. In ALF, high levels of retinoic acid (RA), a molecule known for its pleiotropic roles in embryonic development, are secreted by activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). We hypothesized that RA plays a key role during DR. Methods: RNA-Seq was performed to identify molecular signaling pathways affected by all-trans retinoid acid (atRA) treatment in HepaRG LPC cells in vitro. Functional assays for RA were performed in HepaRG cells with atRA treatment as well as co-culture with LX-2 cells in vitro, and liver tissue of patients suffering from ALF in vivo. Results: Under ALF conditions, activated HSCs secreted RA, inducing RARα nuclear translocation in LPCs. RNA-seq data and investigations in HepaRG cells revealed that atRA treatment activated the WNT-β-Catenin pathway, enhanced stemness genes (SOX9, AFP,, promoted energy storage, and elevated the expression of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters depending on RARα nuclear translocation. Further, atRA treatment-induced pathways were confirmed in a co-culture system of HepaRG with LX-2 cells. Patients with ALF who displayed RARα nuclear translocation in LPC had significantly better MELD scores than those without. Conclusion: In ALF, RA secreted by activated hepatic stellate cells promotes LPC activation, a prerequisite for subsequent LPC-mediated liver regeneration. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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