Transport and information in open quantum systems


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With the approaching second quantum revolution, the study of quantum thermodynamics, particularly heat flow, has become even more relevant for two main reasons. First, understanding heat and other types of noise is essential for protecting quantum information and preventing decoherence. Second, the ability to manufacture and control quantum systems developed for the quantum computer allows for experimental study of quantum thermodynamics in entirely new settings. In this thesis, several systems involving quantum systems in contact with baths are studied theoretically in experimentally available settings. First, two rectification or diode setups for heat currents are proposed using a dark-state mechanism. In one system, the dark-state mechanism is imperfect but very robust. In the other system, the dark-state mechanism relies on quantum entanglement and is much better but more fragile towards decoherence. Next, a quantum version of the Wheatstone bridge is built using the same entanglement-powered dark state mechanism. After having studied several boundary-driven quantum systems, the lessons learned are generalized into resonance conditions using a general linear chain of weakly interacting chains of strongly interacting spins. The final two chapters focus on the ability to study statistical physics in realizable quantum systems. First, a Maxwell's demon setup is proposed. A demon-controlled qutrit is coupled to two non-Markovian baths. The information back-flow from the non-Markovian baths allows the demon to more effectively transfer heat from the cold bath to the hot bath. Second, the Mott insulator to superfluid phase transition in a lattice of transmons is examined. The ground state has a variable particle number and is prepared using adiabatic state preparation. This allows for the exploration of the entire phase diagram.
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