Effective Abelian Lattice Gauge Field Theories for scalar-matter-monopole interactions

K. Farakos, G. Koutsoumbas,Nick E. Mavromatos


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We present a gauge and Lorentz invariant effective field theory model for the interaction of a charged scalar matter field with a magnetic monopole source, described by an external magnetic current. The quantum fluctuations of the monopole field are described effectively by a strongly-coupled “dual” U_ d(1) gauge field, which is independent of the electromagnetic U_ em(1) gauge field. The effective interactions of the charged matter with the monopole source are described by a gauge invariant mixed Chern-Simons-like (Pontryagin-density) term between the two U(1) gauge fields. The latter interaction coupling is left free, and a Lattice study of the system is performed with the aim of determining the phase structure of this effective theory. Our study shows that, in the spontaneously-broken-symmetry phase, the monopole source triggers, via the mixed Chern-Simons term, which is non-trivial in its presence, the generation of a dynamical singular configuration (magnetic-monopole-like) for the respective gauge fields. The scalar field also behaves in the broken phase in a way similar to that of the scalar sector of the `t Hooft-Polyakov monopole.
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