Enhancing Medical Language Understanding: Adapting LLMs to the Medical Domain through Hybrid Granularity Mask Learning.

Longjun Fan, Xiaohong Liu, Yuhao Wang,Guoxing Yang, Zongxin Du,Guangyu Wang

2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)(2023)

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Large Language models have made remarkable strides in natural language understanding and generation. However, their performance in specialized fields like medicine often falls short due to the lack of domain-specific knowledge during pre-training. While fine-tuning on labeled medical data is a common approach for task adaptation, it may not capture the comprehensive medical knowledge required. In this paper, we proposed a Hybrid Granularity Mask Learning (HGM) method for domain adaptation in the medical field. Our method incorporates multi-level linguistic characteries including token, entity, and subsentence to enable the model to acquire medical knowledge comprehensively. We fine-tune a medical-specific language model derived from ChatGLM-6B and Bloom-7B on downstream medical tasks and evaluate its performance. The results demonstrate a significant improvement compared to the baseline, thus affirming the effectiveness of our proposed method.
Language models,domain adaptation,medical knowledge,mask learning,medical question-answering
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