I-SplitEE: Image classification in Split Computing DNNs with Early Exits

Divya Jyoti Bajpai, Aastha Jaiswal,Manjesh Kumar Hanawal


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The recent advances in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) stem from their exceptional performance across various domains. However, their inherent large size hinders deploying these networks on resource-constrained devices like edge, mobile, and IoT platforms. Strategies have emerged, from partial cloud computation offloading (split computing) to integrating early exits within DNN layers. Our work presents an innovative unified approach merging early exits and split computing. We determine the 'splitting layer', the optimal depth in the DNN for edge device computations, and whether to infer on edge device or be offloaded to the cloud for inference considering accuracy, computational efficiency, and communication costs. Also, Image classification faces diverse environmental distortions, influenced by factors like time of day, lighting, and weather. To adapt to these distortions, we introduce I-SplitEE, an online unsupervised algorithm ideal for scenarios lacking ground truths and with sequential data. Experimental validation using Caltech-256 and Cifar-10 datasets subjected to varied distortions showcases I-SplitEE's ability to reduce costs by a minimum of 55% with marginal performance degradation of at most 5%.
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