Whole-brain structural and functional neuroimaging of individuals who attempted suicide and people who did not: A systematic review and exploratory coordinate-based meta-analysis


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Suicide is the cause of death of approximately 800,000 people a year. Despite the relevance of this behaviour, risk assessment tools rely on clinician experience and subjective ratings. Given that previous suicide attempts are the single strongest predictors of future attempts, we designed a systematic review and coordinate -based meta -analysis to demonstrate whether neuroimaging features can help distinguish individuals who attempted suicide from subjects who did not. Out of 5,659 publications from PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, we summarised 102 experiments and meta -analysed 23 of them. A cluster in the right superior temporal gyrus, a region implicated in emotional processing, might be functionally hyperactive in individuals who attempted suicide. No statistically significant differences in brain morphometry were evidenced. Furthermore, we used JuSpace to show that this cluster is enriched in 5-HT1A heteroreceptors in the general population. This exploratory meta -analysis provides a putative neural substrate linked to previous suicide attempts. Heterogeneity in the analytical techniques and weak or absent power analysis of the studies included in this review currently limit the applicability of the findings, the replication of which should be prioritised.
fMRI,Transdiagnostic,Thwarted belongingness,MRI
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