UniVIE: A Unified Label Space Approach to Visual Information Extraction from Form-like Documents


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Existing methods for Visual Information Extraction (VIE) from form-like documents typically fragment the process into separate subtasks, such as key information extraction, key-value pair extraction, and choice group extraction. However, these approaches often overlook the hierarchical structure of form documents, including hierarchical key-value pairs and hierarchical choice groups. To address these limitations, we present a new perspective, reframing VIE as a relation prediction problem and unifying labels of different tasks into a single label space. This unified approach allows for the definition of various relation types and effectively tackles hierarchical relationships in form-like documents. In line with this perspective, we present UniVIE, a unified model that addresses the VIE problem comprehensively. UniVIE functions using a coarse-to-fine strategy. It initially generates tree proposals through a tree proposal network, which are subsequently refined into hierarchical trees by a relation decoder module. To enhance the relation prediction capabilities of UniVIE, we incorporate two novel tree constraints into the relation decoder: a tree attention mask and a tree level embedding. Extensive experimental evaluations on both our in-house dataset HierForms and a publicly available dataset SIBR, substantiate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results, underscoring the effectiveness and potential of our unified approach in advancing the field of VIE.
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