Gravitational waves from axion domain walls in double level crossings


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We investigate the nano-Hertz gravitational waves emitted by axion domain walls annihilation from the double level crossings. The double level crossings exists in the mass mixing between two axion fields, one of which is the Z_𝒩 QCD axion. Here we consider a general mixing case that the heavy and light mass eigenvalues do not necessarily have to coincide with the axion masses. In order to form the domain walls, the axions should start to oscillate slightly before the first level crossing, and the initial oscillation energy density should be large to climb over the barrier of potential. In this case, the axion dynamics has a chaotic run-away behavior, which is considered to be accompanied by domain walls formation. Then we investigate the gravitational waves emitted by axion domain walls annihilation, which is determined by their peak frequency and peak amplitude. Finally, we show the predicted nano-Hertz gravitational waves spectra from the double level crossings, which can be tested by the current and future pulsar timing array projects.
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