Percolation as a confinement order parameter in ℤ_2 lattice gauge theories


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Lattice gauge theories (LGTs) were introduced in 1974 by Wilson to study quark confinement. These models have been shown to exhibit (de-)confined phases, yet it remains challenging to define experimentally accessible order parameters. Here we propose percolation-inspired order parameters (POPs) to probe confinement of dynamical matter in ℤ_2 LGTs using electric field basis snapshots accessible to quantum simulators. We apply the POPs to study a classical ℤ_2 LGT and find a confining phase up to temperature T=∞ in 2D (critical T_c, i.e. finite-T phase transition, in 3D) for any non-zero density of ℤ_2 charges. Further, using quantum Monte Carlo we demonstrate that the POPs reproduce the square lattice Fradkin-Shenker phase diagram at T=0 and explore the phase diagram at T>0. The correlation length exponent coincides with the one of the 3D Ising universality class and we determine the POP critical exponent characterizing percolation. Our proposed POPs provide a geometric perspective of confinement and are directly accessible to snapshots obtained in quantum simulators, making them suitable as a probe for quantum spin liquids.
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