HierSFL: Local Differential Privacy-aided Split Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing

Minh K. Quan,Dinh C. Nguyen,Van-Dinh Nguyen, Mayuri Wijayasundara, Sujeeva Setunge,Pubudu N. Pathirana


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Federated Learning is a promising approach for learning from user data while preserving data privacy. However, the high requirements of the model training process make it difficult for clients with limited memory or bandwidth to participate. To tackle this problem, Split Federated Learning is utilized, where clients upload their intermediate model training outcomes to a cloud server for collaborative server-client model training. This methodology facilitates resource-constrained clients' participation in model training but also increases the training time and communication overhead. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel algorithm, called Hierarchical Split Federated Learning (HierSFL), that amalgamates models at the edge and cloud phases, presenting qualitative directives for determining the best aggregation timeframes to reduce computation and communication expenses. By implementing local differential privacy at the client and edge server levels, we enhance privacy during local model parameter updates. Our experiments using CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets show that HierSFL outperforms standard FL approaches with better training accuracy, training time, and communication-computing trade-offs. HierSFL offers a promising solution to mobile edge computing's challenges, ultimately leading to faster content delivery and improved mobile service quality.
Federated Learning,Mobile Edge Computing,Training Time,Cloud Computing,Data Privacy,MNIST Dataset,Edge Server,Local Updates,Differential Privacy,Collaborative Training,Loss Function,Learning Models,Deep Neural Network,Gradient Descent,Source Code,Network Topology,Stochastic Gradient Descent,Weight Vector,Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,Learning Problem,Central Server,Weight Sensitivity,Model Aggregation,Laplace Distribution,Communication Delay,Parameter Server
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